I am a curious being. As a researcher, when you answer one research question, you ask another three. I am a big thinker and love to combine scientific theory, community and environmental applications. My key research interests include:
Wastewater treatment
Environmental toxicology
Algal feedstock generation
Environmental applications of Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
I was just awarded a Campus Research and Publication Fund for a bioprospecting project. I am hoping that within this academic year, the research team that I am leading, would be able to examine bio- products from a few algal species indigenous to Trinidad and compare them to commercial species. This project will be multi-disciplinary and have the involvement of students from industrial, environmental engineering and Department of Life Sciences Departments.

I have reviewed a few technical papers for Ecological Engineering and African Journal of Biotechnology. I have authored and coauthored a number of publication. See below for a selected list of publications.
Selected publications
Jameer, V.X. Mallian, A., Halfhide, T. , (2020). Examining Solid Waste Practices and Littering at the University of the West Indies, St. Augustine Campus., Journal of Caribbean Environmental Science and Renewable Energy, 3(1), 17-22
Halfhide, T., Lalgee, L. J., Singh, K. S., Williams, J., Sealy, M., Manoo, A., & Mohammed, A. (2019). Nutrient removal using spent coconut husks. H2Open Journal, 2(1), 125-136.
Halfhide, T., Dalrymple, O.K., Wilkie, A.C., Trimmer, J., Gillie, B., Udom, I., Zhang, Q., Ergas, S. J. (2015). Growth of an Indigenous Algal Consortium on Anaerobically Digested Municipal Sludge Centrate: Photobioreactor Performance and Modeling. Bioenergy Research, 8, 249-258.
Halfhide,T.., Åkerstrøm, A. , Lekang, O.I., Gislerød, H.R., Ergas, S.J. (2014). Production of algal biomass, chlorophyll, starch and lipids using aquaculture wastewater under axenic and non-axenic condition. Algal Research. 6(B).
Dalrymple, O.K., Halfhide, T., Udom, I., Gilles, B., Wolan, J., Zhang, Q., Ergas, S.J. (2013). Wastewater use in algae production for generation of renewable resources: a review and preliminary results J. Aquatic Biosystems, 9 (2).
Hall, C., Easley, R., Howard, J., Halfhide, T. (2013). The Role of Authentic Science Research and Education Outreach in Increasing Community Resilience: Case Studies Using Informal Education to Address Ocean Acidification and Healthy Soils. In H. Muga, & K. Thomas (Eds.) Cases on the Diffusion and Adoption of Sustainable Development Practices (pp. 376-402). Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference.
Udom, I., Zaribaf, B.H., Halfhide, T., Gillie, B., Dalrymple, O., Zhang, Q., Ergas, S., J. (2013). Harvesting microalgae grown on wastewater, Bioresource Technology, 139, 101-106.
Howard, J., Trotz, M., Thomas, K., Omisca, E., Chiu, H., Halfhide, T., Akiwumi, F., Michael, R. Stuart, A. (2011). Total mercury loadings in sediment from gold mining and conservation areas in Guyana. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 179(1), 555-573.
Mohammed, A., Halfhide, T., Elias-Samlalsingh, N. (2009). Comparative sensitivity of three life stages of the tropical mysid, Metamysidopsis insularis to six toxicants, Toxicological & Environmental Chemistry, 91 (7), 1331-1337.